4 -6 MARCH 2025 | Changi Exhibition Centre, Singapore
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Getting There
The Changi Exhibition Centre (CEC) is conveniently located, just a 20-minute drive from the city and 10 minutes from Singapore Changi Airport.
Changi Exhibition Centre
9 Aviation Park Road Singapore 498760
GPS Coordinates: 1.364025, 104.022153
Changi Exhibition Centre
9 Aviation Park Road Singapore 498760
GPS Coordinates: 1.364025, 104.022153
GPS Coordinates: 1.364025, 104.022153
How to get to Changi Exhibition Centre (CEC):
Directions if you’re driving:
Directions if you’re using public transport:
- From City to CEC – via ECP
Take ECP towards Changi Airport. Exit the expressway at Exit 2A. Keep driving straight ahead for about 10km and you will see CEC on your right. Drive past CEC and make a U-turn - about 1Km away from CEC. Turn left into CEC at designated ingress.
- From City to CEC – via PIE and ECP
Take PIE towards Changi Airport. Continue on to Changi Flyover towards ECP (City). Exit the expressway at Exit 2A. Keep driving straight ahead for about 10km and you will see CEC on your right. Drive past CEC and make a U-turn - about 1Km away from CEC. Turn left into CEC at designated ingress.
- From City to CEC – via PIE and TPE (SLE)
Take PIE towards Changi Airport. Exit the expressway at Exit 2 towards TPE (SLE). Turn right into Loyang Avenue. Go straight ahead until you reach the coastal Nicoll Drive. Keep going straight ahead and proceed along a left bend into Aviation Park Road. Turn left into CEC at designated ingress.
Directions if you’re using public transport:
- By Taxi Services or Private Hire Vehicles
Open the booking app, enter "Changi Exhibition Centre" as the location, and select "Exhibition Hall (FD6)" as your destination. Please inform the driver to enter the premises through Gate 4.
- By MRT and Complimentary Shuttle Bus Services
Take the train and alight at Expo MRT Station (CG1/DT35). Head towards Exit B, and after exiting the station, look for signs and ushers guiding you to the shuttle pick-up/drop-off point. Shuttle services operate at approximately 30-minute intervals, subject to traffic conditions.
Shuttle Bus Schedule
Date | Location | Timing |
4 & 5 Mar | Expo MRT Station |
First Bus: 10am Last Bus: 4pm |
First Bus: 10.45 am Last Bus: 6pm |
6 Mar | Expo MRT Station |
First Bus: 10am Last Bus: 3pm |
First Bus: 10.45 am Last Bus: 5pm |